Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 8, 2015

Trickster: Starship and Trickster: Symbiosis now live! (Plus Kickstarter plans!)


I'm happy to say the two newest Trickster sets are now live at! Trickster is a series of fun casual strategy card games featuring heroes from many genres and universes. You’re trying to keep those gallant chumps from meddling in your business. Lure them toward your opponents and try to keep them away from you. Whoever has the fewest heroes will be the winner!

Each Trickster set is a standalone game, but you can mix heroes from different sets to customize the play to your group’s tastes.

Trickster: Starship is a fast-paced and competitive set featuring the motley crew of the starship Emphasis as they explore the unknown. Art by Brian Patterson.

Trickster: Symbiosis is a highly strategic set featuring characters from the biopunk setting Symbiosis by Steven Sanders.

Both games are completely compatible with Trickster: Fantasy and Trickster: Tianxia. For more news on the future plans, see below.

Kickstarting Trickster

Yes, it's long overdue, but I'm finally taking the plunge into crowdfunding again! The plan is to fund a print run of 1000 copies of Trickster: Fantasy in a two-part box with a full-color rules sheet. I'll need to raise about $15,000 to make that happen. I'll add more Trickster sets as stretch goals to the campaign at key funding milestones thereafter.

This is a big step for my company and one I've been reluctant to take for a long time. It takes a lot of time and money up front to get into retail channels and I've grown comfortable with my POD model the past few years. But it's become evident that I shouldn't put all my eggs in one basket like that.

I feel strongly about Trickster's potential in the wider market and I'm eager to see what comes of it. I hope I can count on your support as Smart Play Games takes this next step!

Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 8, 2015

Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 8, 2015


monster hunter portable 3rd english psp cso

Download & Play Monster Hunter Portable 3rd PSP Android Game. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is a game in the Monster Hunter franchise for the PlayStation Portable system that was released in Japan on December 1, 2010. The game was released, as a part of the PlayStation Portable Remaster series, on PlayStation 3.
The game introduces new regions, monsters, and a revised Felyne combat system. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is not an update to Monster Hunter Freedom Unite or Monster Hunter Tri. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is instead separate to the rest of the series, and most of the game has been entirely remade.However, it is also a successor to Monster Hunter Freedom Unite as the third game in the Portable series.


Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD ver. is a high definition remastering of the game for the PlayStation 3, and is the first of Sony's "PSP Remasters" series for the PS3. The game was released in Japan on August 25, 2011[5] and features enhanced HD graphics, 3D support and shared save support with the PSP.


The new base of operations is Yukumo Village. This village has a feudal Japanese feel to it, both from its design to its residents. Now the Felynes train in the farm and have more training options like the marathon training in which the Felyne runs around the farm. The player can take two Felynes out with him/her on a single player quest, up from the single companion of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. When you take Felynes out on quests, monster attacks are divided between the player and the companions, making hunts easier. Also new to Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is the ability to customize the Felyne companions' equipment. Doing so will change the creature's physical appearance and properties. The player will be able to customize the Felynes in three areas: weapon, head parts and torso parts. A new field introduced in the game is Mountain Stream (渓流 Keiryū?). All the hunting fields in Monster Hunter Tri, along with the addition of the Mountain Stream field are included in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. Underwater quests, however, have been completely removed, therefore maps such as the Deserted Island and Flooded Forest have been revised to work around this.[3][4] Not all monsters from Monster Hunter Tri are present in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd - Lagiacrus, Gobul, and Ceadeus have been removed. Zinogre, the flagship monster of the game is shown on the cover art.

ALSO SEE :- Final Fantasy Type 0 PSP (.iso) Android Mobile Game Free Download 

All weapon classes from previous games (Great Sword, Long Sword, Sword and Shield, Dual Blades, Hammer, Hunting Horn, Lance, Gunlance, Switch Axe, Light Bowgun, Heavy Bowgun and Bow) are present in the game. The four classes which were not present in Tri (Dual blades, Hunting Horn, Gunlance and Bow) have been revised. The equipment creation and fortification systems received a variety of changes. Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto claimed that this area of the game will keep what was good from Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and Monster Hunter Tri and add new elements


How To Install

  • Download PPSSPP.apk
  • Then download Monster Hunter Portable 3rd psp rom.
  • Run PPSSPP app and select your Monster Hunter Portable 3rd psp rom.
  • Play and enjoy the game.

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 8, 2015

Fragments of a Game

Theme first or mechanic first? Tabletop game designers get asked that question a lot, but it misses a key ingredient in any analog game: Components. In this case, I've got a component in mind that I think could be really interesting as a tile-laying mechanic. Above, each card depicts the vertices of four other cards with the same dimensions.

Assume that on your turn you may play one card onto the play area, overlapping only one quadrant of another card, as shown above.

When I'm hashing out this sort of thing, I just fill in spaces with color for the sake of experimentation without much thought as to theme. Of course when you look at this your first thought might be the paintings of Piet Mondrian or Olle Baertling. I find the audiences for those themes are somewhat limited, and I really want a theme that can inspire some strong secondary mechanics and victory conditions.

Of course there is the old standby of city-building. There's an interesting period in history during the reign of Justinian in Byzantium: After a massive riot, the city is rebuilt with astonishing speed under Justinian's direction. In a time when cathedrals would take over a hundred years to finish, the city was restored in less than a decade. But... Well, city-builders are kind of blah. Same with gerrymandering.

There are other themes I've been considering, like Kintsugi, the Japanese art of repairing pottery with gold lacquer to accentuate the breaks.

Or it could simply be about making a mosaic.

So anyhoo, that's where I'm at right now. Still figuring out what this game wants to be! It'll be something though!

Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 8, 2015

An Update for Patreon Subscribers

Hi patrons!

Sorry about the long wait between updates. It's been a busy few months, but honestly I've hit a sort of writer's block when it comes to making new icons for different game actions. We're sitting on about 400 icons now, I kinda felt like there wasn't enough material left for me to make a valuable bundle for you.

For icons of abstract concepts and simple nouns, you've got a lot of options already between and So I am broadening the scope of this Patreon to cover a wide range of tabletop game production assets.

  • Videos: It's been a few years since I released my first instructional videos on card game design on an online course site. Since that time, they've shifted to a subscription-only model that has really reduced new enrollments. It's probably time to release the videos from behind their paywall.
  • Card templates: Frames and backgrounds for cards in CCGs and euro games. Plus any more based on patron requests.
  • Page layout templates: For 8.5x11 and 6x9 formats favored by role-playing games. I have many years of experiences with this, so I'm happy to share.
  • Icons: When the opportunity and inspiration arise, I'll still keep icons in the mix, but they're part of a larger broader offering.
  • Misc. Assets from my self-published games: These will be the backgrounds, frames, occasional icons, and other bits I used in my past games. (Many art assets rights belong to their creators, though, so I can't share those.)

Anyway, I just wanted to explain why I'm making these changes and give you a chance to adjust your patronage if you don't find this expanded focus as valuable.

Then again, if you find it more valuable, then by all means stick around and I hope to bring you some really good stuff soon. :D

Thanks for your support!

Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 8, 2015

Play Prince of Persia Revelation PSP Android Apk (iso + cso) Game Free Download

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Prince of Persia is the most Famous and Addictive Game of PSP with 100% smooth gameplay for Android .
Prince of Persia: Revalations Android Apk (.cso) rom is now playable for android. so download this game and play without any lacking .
Prince of Persia: Revelations is a third-person action-adventure puzzle game developed by Pipeworks and published by Ubisoft. Released on December 6, 2005 for Sony's PlayStation Portable, the port includes additional content including four new areas not available in the original release.

Prince of Persia Revelation PSP : Gameplay

Story of Prince of Persia Revelations "The Old Man said to the Prince, "Your fate has been written. You will die." Enter the dark underworld of Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, the sword-slashing sequel to the critically acclaimed Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. Hunted by Dahaka, an immortal incarnation of Fate seeking divine retribution, the Prince embarks upon a path of both carnage and mystery to defy his preordained death. His journey leads to the infernal core of a cursed island stronghold harboring mankind's greatest fears. Only through grim resolve, bitter defiance and the mastery of deadly new combat arts can the Prince rise to a new level of warriorship -- and emerge from this ultimate trial with his life."

ALSO SEE :- Tekken 6 Android Apk [ISO+CSO] Rom Free Download For PSP+PPSSPP

Whats New On Prince of Persia: Revelations
"Extend the epic adventure of Prince of Persia Warrior Within with more than 20 new levels and maps; devise vicious new combos using melee weapons, projectiles, walls, and more with the free form fighting system; journey through non-linear environments and engage in soul shattering boss battles."


How To Install

  • Download PPSSPP.apk
  • Then download Prince of Persia: Revelations.iso psp rom.
  • Run PPSSPP app and select your Prince of Persia: Revelations.iso rom.
  • Play and enjoy the game.

Rulebooks for Trickster: Starship and Trickster: Symbiosis

Hey y'all! I've got the rulebooks for the next two Trickster sets up and ready for your perusal. It takes  a lot of eyeballs to catch the tiny typos and grammatical vagaries that creep into a rules doc even this tiny, so I appreciate your time if you can take a look.

As with my other self-published games, these rules are formatted to fit onto standard size playing cards. It's a trick getting rules concisely but thoroughly explained in that tiny format. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, please share! Thank you so much!

Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 8, 2015

3 Tips for Designing Games for Parents... Maybe? You tell me.

Gezin speelt ganzenbord / Family enjoying each other's company

I sometimes say I  design icebergs: Tiny at the surface, but much more to discover with time. Now, I'm not always successful, but that's the goal. That's the kind of play I enjoy most. Well, it turns out I've been designing games for parents as well, at least according to some fan mail I've been getting lately. There's a particular spike in these comments for Trickster lately. Here are a few:

  • Gareth says: "Just received Trickster: Fantasy and played it with my sons (13 and 11). A great game that's simple to learn, but allows players to make some great choices."
  • Robert Kalajian at Purple Pawn says "I’ve played both Fantasy and Tianxia with my kids (5, 8, and 10) and they all really enjoyed them. My 5 year old took a bit more time to learn the powers, but now knows each in the Fantasy deck by the icons on the cards. The Tianxia deck is still a bit much for him, though he hasn’t given up on it yet!"
  • Seth Ben-Ezra shared this feedback with me via Twitter DM: "I’ve played it the last couple of weeks with five of my six kids. (Ages 15 down to 6.) All of them are hooked. Last Monday we busted out the Tianxia deck and were amazed at how differently it played while still being recognizably Trickster. The kids all informed me that I was required to buy the next available decks, which is how I know they’d be up for play testing. (One of them asked if I had Early Access to the new decks a la Steam.) I could see this being our go-to game for a long time."

(Emphasis mine.) So what's the common thread? Honestly, I'm just guessing here, but I can't pass up an opportunity for a catchy three item listicle.

Tip 1: Immediate Visual Appeal
Rainbows! Susan McKinley Ross (Designer of Quirkle) has said that rainbows are a very popular choice for retail-level game releases. I don't know about the retail market, but so far a rainbow color scheme sure hasn't hurt Trickster. I also I have the good fortune of having access to some really talented artists for these games. I also wonder if very simple and (mostly) language-neutral card design makes the game less intimidating to teach and learn.

Tip 2: Short Teach-to-Flow Ratio
Perhaps it's a generalization, but it seems like parents are short on time. Fortunately, you can learn Trickster after a few minutes. By the end of your first game, you're already discovering some very basic heuristics for the suit-majority scoring and hand management. I'm no child expert, but I remember as a kid feeling great when I figured out a strategy for a challenging video game and got to use that practice skill to fluency in subsequent levels. I can't imagine kids are much different today.

Tip 3: Randomness as Skill Parity
One of the tough parts about playing with young opponents is gauging how much you should hold back in your competition. Should you make a sub-optimal move just so the young opponent stays engaged in the gameplay? One of the nice things about Trickster's very random opening setup is that it puts all players at the whim of fate right up front, then forces each player to figure out how to optimize that opening hand to victory.

Parents, am I off base here? What am I missing? Set me straight in the comments.

Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 8, 2015

How I Develop Trickster Sets

First, a quick head's up: As of this post (August 4, 2015), there's only a little under two weeks left in the public playtest period for Trickster: Starship and Trickster: Symbiosis. If you will be able to send me feedback before August 15, 2015, please email gobi81 at gmail for PnP PDFs of the two sets. Thanks so much!

Now, I thought it would be fun to show a peek behind the curtain of how I develop Trickster sets. Perhaps this will be useful for anyone in the future who is looking to home-brew their own Trickster sets with their own favorite themes. More likely, I'll look back at this post in a few years when I'm completely bereft of new ideas. Either way, useful!

What's the hook?

When I take on a genre or universe for a Trickster set, I try to find one mechanical thing that unites that particular group of heroes.

In Trickster: Tianxia, it was the idea of high-speed, hand-to-hand movement with little house augmentation. I liked the idea of these martial arts heroes having absurdly fast bouts with permanent, decisive outcomes. This set would be the first to introduce effects that target the pot, which I thought thematically reflected an ongoing contest between the kung fu experts.

In Trickster: Starship, I was taking a lot of inspiration from Star Trek, Farscape, and even Firefly. The general theme I wanted to capture was "pioneering" and "discovery." So I added one new effect that is exclusive and universal to the Starship heroes: The Boldly Bonus. When you lead with a Starship hero, you may resolve their effect a second time.

What are the basic effects?

After developing Trickster: Fantasy for a long time, I realized a good Trickster set is mostly comprised of very simple movement effects that take a card from zone A and moves it to zone B. Generally five or six of the seven heroes was a good number.

Above you can see the hand-drawn chart I made a while back to visualize the empty design space for Trickster movement effects. The top axis shows "from deck, your house, your hand, an opponent's house, an opponent's hand, whoever has most cards in house, whoever has most cards in hand, the pot, or the trash." The left axis shows the same zones, but replaces "from" with "to."

The big blacked out areas are "any house, any hand" because that was redundant. A few recursion spaces are blacked out as well, to future-proof against two-player variants down the line. That remaining spaces are filled in with heroes who move cards from/to the zones in question. If a hero swaps cards, they're listed twice since it's effectively two movements. If a hero, like the Diplomat, "peeks" at a card but returns that card to its original zone, that's still noted even though it would appear to be a recursion at first glance.

From this point, it would seem like you could just randomly pluck about six different open spaces from this table and make the bulk of a new Trickster set, but that doesn't really make a coherent cast of heroes or mechanics. You have to look back at the original hook and select the right five or six effects in combination to make a really interesting set.

For example, none of the Tianxia hero effects that cards directly from house to house nor do they affect the Trash. Their sphere of influence is almost entirely reserved to hands and the pot. That reflects the "hand-to-hand" concept thematically and mechanically. It also introduces a key concept for advanced play: pacing through hand management.

In Trickster: Starship, I wanted to introduce drawing directly from the deck. Neither the Fantasy or Tianxia sets dealt with the deck as a zone at all, but for a bunch of explorers and pioneers, it seemed a good way to represent "the final frontier."

What are the weird effects?

I like to have one or two weird effects in each set that don't relate to movement at all. It's important to not go overboard with these odd effects since you need a little dynamism in each set to make a functional game.

In the Trickster: Fantasy set, it was the Druid's "grow" effect that made one card count as two. That seemed like a very simple "weird" effect that would be very easy for advanced players to use as a defensive or offensive tactic.

In Trickster: Tianxia, the "weirdness" is mainly in how specifically constrained some of the normal movements are for certain heroes. The Nun moves a card from one player's hand to another, but the donor has to be the player with most cards in their hand. The Brute behaves like a Druid, but only targets a card already in the pot. The Detective reveals two cards from an opponent's hand, which may then be split between your hand and any opponent's hand.

In Trickster: Starship, the Diplomat has a similar effect as the Detective from Tianxia, except that you must look at a random card from an opponent's hand and then decide whether to keep or return it specifically to that opponent. At first blush, the Diplomat may seem like a weakened form of the Detective, but remember that all heroes in this set have a Boldly Bonus. So leading with a Diplomat gives you multiple targets and you keep that information secret, whereas the Detective only targets one player and forces you to reveal what you've learned.

Test, Test, Test

Once I have that basic line-up sorted out, then I just keep testing that deck rigorously, looking for any edge cases. These are especially important to consider when mixing sets.

For example, the Druid from Trickster: Fantasy turns a card sideways, which will be counted as two cards at the end of the game. The Medic from Trickster: Starship flips a card face-down, which will be counted as a card without any suit. Both of these individually are effective ways to control how and if each player scores suit-majorities.

But what happens when you have a Druid and a Medic in the same deck? What happens if a Druid turns a face-down card sideways, or a Medic flips a sideways card face-down? In that case, the answer is simply that the card counts as two cards, both of which have no suit. In other words, a brutal tactic, but something to anticipate and answer in the rules ahead of time.

In Trickster: Symbiosis and Starship, there are heroes who mimic the effects of another hero already in another zone. The Archive copies the effect of a hero in your house. The Captain copies the effect of a hero from the Trash (twice, if using the Boldly Bonus). I saw that it would overwhelm the system to have two mimics in the same set, and possibly cause some weird recursions. That's why I kept them separated. You can still mix them together if you like, and they're perfectly functional, but make the overall gameplay a bit flat because they have so few other heroes to mimic.

So that's basis of how I make a Trickster set. It's not all that complicated, but I figured any game design peeps out there would find this interesting. If you have any questions, please leave a comment! Thanks!

Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 8, 2015

Joel Eddy of DriveThruReview reviewed Kigi! What did he say??

Joel Eddy, of Drive-Thru Review, just posted a video review of Kigi here. (Drive-Thru Review is no relation to DriveThruCards, the POD service I use to self-publish several games, including Kigi.) Now, I'd been under the impression that being a tiny game self-published on a POD site would mean Kigi would fall way below the radar of any video reviewer, let alone a reviewer from the Dice Tower Network.

I'm happy to see that I was wrong on that point! Joel has some very kind things to say about Kigi! Check it out in the video embedded above or at the link here. Please note that the scoring example has a slight error which is corrected in the on-screen youtube annotations, which may not automatically appear depending on the platform you're viewing the video.

But all that said, it's a very positive review and way more exposure I ever expected to get for one of my self-published games. Thanks so much for giving air time to the little games out there, Joel!

Download Transformers The Game PSP ISO Android Full Game

transformers the game psp download

Play Full Version of  Transformers The Game Download psp iso for Android mobiles and tablets. Transformers The Game is the name of multiple versions of a video game based on the 2007 live action film Transformers, all of which were released in North America in June 2007. Home console and PC versions were developed by Traveller's Tales for the PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation 3 and PC. A different PlayStation Portable version was developed by Savage Entertainment.

ALSO SEE :- Download Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Android Apk (ISO+CSO) Game [PSP+PPSSPP]

Transformers Autobots and Transformers Decepticons are the Nintendo DS versions of Transfomers: The Game. Vicarious Visions, who was tasked with bringing the adaptation to the Nintendo DS, chose to adapt the DS version into two separate games. Autobots follows the heroes' perspective while Decepticons follows the villains'. Unlike games with multiple SKUs such as Pokémon which feature only minor differences between versions, these are two separate games, sharing some basic similarities, but with unique characters, missions and locations.

Transformers: The Game Gameplay

The game (in all its versions) is mainly a third-person action-shooter. All the robots have at least five attack types: a light weapon, a heavy weapon, a melee attack, and the ability to throw objects such as cars, lamp posts, trees, etc., and using a long object like a lamp post as a sword. As its title and characters imply, a robot can transform into a vehicle and vice versa, this gives the game some racing elements, as the player must, in some missions, race to certain point within a time limit or before a character of the opposing faction does. Each area is an open world environment, and there are also side-missions, Energon cubes and Autobot/Decepticon emblems scattered through the city, if accomplished successfully/collected the player can unlock trailers, production photos and unlock color schemes for certain characters.

PlayStation Portable [PSP/PPSSPP]

Transformers: The Game download for the PSP is very different from its console counterparts, whereas the console versions allow the player to choose which side's storyline they wish to play, the PSP version has only one storyline which alternates between the two different sides.[4] Also, the player is able to play a total of 23 characters, including characters from previous generations. Overall the game for PSP has the most playable characters out of all of the console games. It also has a non-related story than the other games.



  • Download PPSSPP.apk
  • Then download Transformers The Game PSP ISO rom.
  • Run PPSSPP app and select your Transformers The Game PSP ISO rom.
  • Play and enjoy the game.

Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 8, 2015

Announcing "Kodama: the Tree Spirits," a new tree-growing card game from Action Phase Games

Big news! Action Phase Games and I have teamed up to develop a brand new game called Kodama: The Tree Spirits.


The forest is growing fast! As caretakers for Kodama, the tree spirits, you must keep the forest a healthy and lush home for your little friends. Over three growing seasons, you must cultivate trees with the right mix flowers, animals, and branch arrangements to make your Kodama as happy as possible. Whoever cares for their Kodama best will be remembered for generations!


Earlier this year, I realized that Kigi was my biggest hit on the POD market. It dwarfs all my other products in sales and has been successfully licensed in several other countries now. And yet, it didn't really have much presence in the US. I debated whether I should pursue my own kickstarter or team up with a publisher.

Lo and behold, Action Phase Games swoops in bustling with energy and enthusiasm for Kigi. Turns out they've been playing it a lot in-house and had a real desire to publish something like it. They kept playing and playing and tweaking and tweaking, long before we ever had any kind of formal agreement. They just dug the game that much. If you know anything about game publishers, they rarely have time to play anything casually. I felt honored that they would commit such attention to a game that they hadn't even signed.

Well, I'd be foolish not to work with publisher that has that kind of devotion to the craft of game design. Together, we took the well-loved core mechanics of Kigi, quickly branched them out in a very different direction than the original game. Eventually we decided it was different enough to really be considered a new property with a new theme. Hence, Kodama, inspired by the little forest spirits from Hayao Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke.


We have Kwanchai Moriya working on art for the game as I write these words. I've already seen sketches and they look amazing. Check out these samples of his past work:

We're in the final phases of development for Kodama right now, just a few more leaves and twigs to prune before we're ready to go. Our plan is to kickstart funding within the next three months and have the game out early enough to qualify for the Mensa Mind Games competition. We really feel strongly that it has a chance of winning.

So thanks so much for your support over the past few years! It's great to see my wacky POD business model actually bearing fruit in the long-term, but I couldn't do it without you. Thanks so, so, so much.

Follow Action Phase or me on Twitter to keep up to speed on how Kodama is growing!

Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 8, 2015

Can't say it? Sign it!

Carter must prove an emergency in order to convince the captains of Marsi-3 to take a trip to Saturn. However, being a botanist is not enough to have permissions to land with the rescue team on Titan. He has to prove that he -as a botanist- is needed on Titan. If he did so, Carter would be assigned a spacesuit and a communication device where he can use it to talk to other crew members and also use it as a radar map to find his way in the vastness of Titan deserts.

But what if Carter wasn't able to prove his importance on Titan? The game won't stop there, he will have to sneak into the airlock or maybe fool another crew member to hide in the landing shuttle. Of course he won't have a communication device then. After other crew members discover Carter's presence on Titan, they have no time to evacuate him. So he would have to use sign language to talk to the crew.

Not having the communication device means no radar maps privileges too. You'll have to wander around and discover Titan on your own. Using little flags you can mark the places you already visited. Not to mention that your oxygen is limited too. There are some lost oxygen tanks here and there..