Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 7, 2016

Download Manhunt 2 PSP iso+cso Android [Eng] Gaming Rom For Free


Manhunt 2 is a psychological horror stealth video game published by Rockstar Games. It was developed by Rockstar London for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 2, Rockstar Leeds for the PlayStation Portable, and Rockstar Toronto for the Wii. It is the sequel to 2003's Manhunt and was released in North America on October 29, 2007 and in the UK on October 31, 2008. The game follows Daniel Lamb, a mental patient suffering from amnesia as he tries to uncover his identity. He is accompanied by Leo Kasper, a sociopathic assassin who guides Daniel in his journey.

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Gameplay Manhunt 2

Players assume the role of Daniel Lamb in third-person perspective while at some points they instead control the villain Leo Kasper. Although different in appearance and personality, both have similar controls. As with the original game, the primary gameplay mechanic is stealth execution, whereby the player character must approach an enemy from behind, undetected, and kill them. There are three 'levels' of execution, with each level progressively more violent and graphic than the last; Level 1 (Hasty) executions are quick and not very bloody, Level 2 (Violent) are considerably more gory, and Level 3 (Gruesome) are over-the-top. The player is entirely in control of which level they use; once the player has locked onto an enemy, the lock-on reticule changes color over time to indicate the level; white (level 1), yellow (level 2), and, finally, red (level 3). When playing on PC or Wii while doing the executions, there is a quick time event in which lists down certain moves that either the mouse or Wii Controller must move or by pressing a certain button at a specific time in order to finish the execution. If it does not finish in the specific time, it will stop the execution and skip the execution completely, although the player still kills the person.

Manhunt 2 garnered controversy before and after its release, getting the attention of Leicester East MP Keith Vaz, anti-videogame activist Jack Thompson, and various US Senators. Reception of the game was largely mixed to positive. Reviewers praised the improved gameplay, twisted storyline and engine, while criticizing its outdated graphics and voice acting. It was ranked first in Gameranx' list of the "Top 25 Goriest Games of all Time", and was nominated for GameSpy's 2007 Game of the Year Award for the PS2.

The game also includes an alternate final level, where the final battle is played from Leo's perspective. He successfully destroys Daniel's personality and wakes up in control of his mind and body. Whyte, who thinks she is speaking to Daniel, asks him if he is okay, to which he replies he is keen to get back to work on the Bridge. As he looks at himself in the mirror, Daniel sees Leo's reflection looking back at him.



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  • That Extra Mile

    Usually in classic adventure games, some little tasks would be done with a single click. For instance, copying a few files from a computer to a disk would be as simple as selecting the disk from the inventory and clicking the cursor on the computer. Some games' interfaces would even require only a right click (interaction) on the computer, if you have a disk then it would automatically do the 'copy files' task.

    I decided to make the player walk that extra mile by creating computer interfaces that look similar to a command prompt. You can move around folders and select files to be copied, deleted...

    Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 7, 2016

    Trying Some Racing Game Key Terms. Are they clear?

    Holiday Snap 2: Tron

    After playing Wolfgang Kramer's Top Race the other day, I'm thinking about racing games again. In Top Race, each card moves several colored cars through the track as far forward as possible. Because you're betting on the race results as well as controlling your own car, you're still invested in the outcome even if your car is trailing behind. Controlling opponent's cars is very valuable and fun way to stay engaged throughout the game, which is a common problem in racing games.

    I got to thinking about how to capture that same versatility and engagement with a card-driven racing game without the betting element. One way I thought about was using conditional positions instead of specific colors. For example, say I establish these key terms.

    • You: A car or cars you control.
    • Straggler: The car in last place.
    • Leader: The car in first place.
    • Chaser: The car in second-place.
    • Follower: The car immediately behind your car.
    • Pacer: The car immediately ahead of your car.

    The cards would list a series of actions that must be resolved in that order. Each action moves the indicated car forward a number of spaces on the track. For example:

    You: 3-6
    Leader: 1-2

    You: 3-4
    Straggler: 6

    Pacer: 1-2
    You: 4
    Follower: 1

    Leader: 1
    You: 2
    Chaser: 3

    Each action is resolved in order, so you could use a card in some fun power moves.

    • For example, if you played BURST! to put yourself in first-place, then you are the Leader, therefore you could move 1-2 extra spaces.
    • If you play COMEBACK! and you're still in last place, then you could give yourself a huge sprint of +6 spaces forward.
    • If you play PUSH! to put yourself in second-place, then you're the Chaser and can move yourself an extra 3 spaces.

    My main concern at this point is that it's too confusing to make up game terms for these positions or if there are already real-world racing terms for these positions. If you're aware of any or have suggestions for more clear alternatives, please share!

    Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 7, 2016

    Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 7, 2016

    Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 7, 2016