Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 4, 2016

Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 4, 2016

Download God Eater 2 PSP ISO (ENG) Full Game Free For Android PPSSPP/PSP


God Eater 2 is a video game developed by Shift and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment  for PlayStation Portable [PSP] and PlayStation Vita. It is a sequel to Gods Eater Burst.[citation needed] It features a new setting, as well as new protagonists, new monsters, and new weapons. An expansion titled God Eater 2: Rage Burst was released in Japan on the PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4. A western release of Rage Burst is set to summer of 2016 and will be published by the North American and European divisions of Bandai Namco Entertainment.

ALSO SEE:Download Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity PSP iso (English) Free Download


The sample screenshot of the game for the PS Vita version
In comparison to Gods Eater Burst there are new features and additions such as the three new weapons, the Boost Hammer, Charge Spear, and the Shotgun, each has its own function and abilities for the player to use. The Boost Hammer is large hammer fitted with a rocket booster, which can be used to inflict heavy damages onto the enemy. The Charge Spear is a large spear that can be "charged" to form an sharpened organic blade that can be used to stab foes. The Shotgun is a large cannon that can spray bullets, allowing increased damage the closer the players were to the opponent. Most of the existing weapons also have additional features and skills, such as the Short Blade's new skill that allows players to use an upward slash that instantly send them in mid-air, and the Long Blade's new skill that can cancel attacks, thus allowing combos.

Blood Arts

The Blood Arts are one of the new additions in the game. Blood Arts are "attack add-on" that can augment normal attacks of all manner into an even stronger attack, thus making it either unlock new Blood Arts, or convert existing one into a much stronger variant. Raising a Blood Art's proficiency requires going on newer missions and completing it, thus finishing a mission with a higher rank gives more experience points to the currently equipped Blood Art, as well as the other Blood Arts of the same variant.

ALSO SEE :- Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Vice City Stories Game PSP ISO Free Download (With Cheats) 

Character Episodes

Character Episodes are one of the newest features in the game. Throughout the game, players can interact with various characters and NPCs, though they asked you to accept their invitation to a mission. Completing it will give players additional gameplay bonuses, such as materials, items, and even additional Blood Arts for some of the main characters.



  • Install PPSSPP APK 
  • Then Download GOD EATER 2 psp iso Rom. 
  • Open PPSSPP and Search GOD EATER 2 psp iso Rom and select and Play.

Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 4, 2016

DSGN PNCH - A short series of short graphic design videos

I'm trying out something a little different for this series. I want to break down the big giant scary subject of graphic design into the tiniest possible pinches so they're a little less intimidating. I don't know how long this series will last, I only have a few topics lined up so far:

  • Which colors are best to avoid color-blindness issues?
  • How do I lay out light text on a dark background?
  • What's a good font size?

If you have any other topics you want me to discuss in a <90sec ask="" br="" comments="" in="" please="" thanks="" the="" video="">

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 4, 2016

Testing Updates to Monsoon Market

I'm in the process of updating Monsoon Market to make it more suitable for publisher pitches. I still enjoy this little game, but a few wrinkles have shown more prominently over the years of feedback and I am taking this opportunity to smooth them out.

Check out the current live rules doc here.

There haven't been any changes to the cards themselves, so if you own a POD copy already you're still good. It's mainly procedural tweaks and streamlining.

  • Bonus Goods are spent, no longer permanent. When you spend a good, you note its expenditure by upgrading the Order to silver.
  • Replenish the Market or Orders display at the end of your turn instead of immediately.
  • You only get Bonus Actions if you fulfill an Order at Gold or Silver accuracy.
  • The game ends immediately when someone achieves the point threshold, but you can adjust that threshold for longer games.

Hope you get a chance to test these changes at home and offer your feedback! Thanks for your support!

Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 4, 2016

📹 Watch: How to play Kodama: the Tree Spirits

I'm so honored to see Rodney Smith teach how to play Kodama: the Tree Spirits. He really sets the standard for all other video tutorials for clarity, brevity, and thoroughness. Check out the video embedded above to see Rodney teach the game far better than I could. :D

Patapon 3 Android PSP ISO Game [USA] Free Download


Patapon 3 psp iso android game, patapon is a video game published for the PlayStation Portable handheld game console combining gameplay features of a rhythm game and a god game. The title is created from two Japanese onomatopoeia, pata (marching) and pon (drumming). The game is presented in a cartoonish, silhouetted two-dimensional environment, and features the player acting as a deity who commands an army of caricatured miniature tribal creatures by beating traditional talking drums. The game was developed by Pyramid and produced by Japan Studios.

ALSO SEE :Resistance Retribution Android PSP iso+cso Game Free Download (PSP+PPSSPP)


Patapon is a video game that the player controls in a manner similar to rhythm games. The player is put in direct control of a tribe of Patapon warriors; to command the warriors, the player inputs specific sequences using the face buttons on the PSP, each representing a "talking drum", in time to a drum rhythm. These sequences order the tribe to move forward on the linear battlefield, attack, defend, and other actions. If the player inputs an unknown sequence or enters them off the main rhythm, the tribe will become confused and stop whatever they are doing. However, repeatedly entering a proper sequence in sync with the rhythm will lead the tribe into a "Fever" increasing their attack and defensive bonuses.

The tribe will stop doing anything after performing the last entered command if the player does not enter any more commands. For example, some commands are square, square, square, circle (Pata, Pata, Pata, Pon.), which has them march forward and circle, circle, square, circle (Pon, Pon, Pata, Pon.), which makes them attack.
The game is divided into several missions. Prior to each mission, the player can recruit new troops and assemble formations, equip troops with weapons and armor gained from the spoils of war or crafted from certain minigames. The player can return to an earlier mission to acquire additional resources and equipment to build up their troops before a larger battle.



  • Install PPSSPP APK 
  • Then Download PATAPON 3 psp iso Rom. 
  • Open PPSSPP and Search PATAPON 3 psp iso Rom and select and Play.

Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 4, 2016

UnPub6 Feedback for "Curse You, Robin Hood!"

Wow, I'm finally starting to recover from the wild pace of preparing for UnPub. I had two games I was primarily showing, the main one being Curse You, Robin Hood! You can find the full rules for the game on this Google Doc. Overall the response was very good and I made some procedural tweaks after several tests that really streamlined the game significantly.  Check out the scores and responses out of 28 feedback forms. I've bolded some of the more representative comments as well.

(Image Source: Lauren Woolsey)

Was this game predictable?
No 100%
Yes 0%

Will you play this game again?
No 10.71%
Yes 89.29%

Will you buy this game?
(The responses to this question had a lot of "YESNO" responses, so I think there was something wrong with the form. In either case, the results were inconclusive.)

What was one thing you would change?
  • Maybe the option to add the AI with 6+ players
  • nothing comes to mind
  • art
  • Some of the suits look a little similar and get a little confusing at first
  • Nothing in particular
  • Maybe add in some Trump cards that can mess up other players.
  • The game is really easy to learn, but having a quick-reference card for each player that described the order of card-swapping would help a lot.
  • Better instructions or not sure I understood the bartering
  • Find some way to encourage players to arrange deals more. You may want to include a reference card to explain the resolution order
  • Clearer explanation of when I would barter with other players.
  • Nothing
  • N/A
  • Nothing.
  • The exchange system is completely blind. Maybe there could be a way for players to have a card to always go to market.
  • It looks ready.
  • Use characters
  • nothing
  • Rolling scoring option for longer play
  • Not really sure. I found the game to be pretty well balanced
  • This game is well thought out. I would not change anything.
  • Nothing
  • Nothing
  • Something to help me learn the why behind my choices quicker.
  • Nothing!
  • Nothing.
  • Not sure...strategy was hard for me, but I\'m not sure how to make it better
  • change six back to a number
  • Make icons a bit bigger

    What was your favorite part of the game?
    • unpredictability
    • card options to play
    • attempting to guess other players possible selections
    • The "solitaire" aspect, ease of learning
    • The art is fantastic, it's a great original idea for a game and a really interesting mechanic. I'm excited to buy it when it's available!
    • The trading and negotiating
    • The fact that there's no downtime!
    • How quick it was
    • the robin hood targeting mechanic is implemented in a very clever way. the forced trades made for surprising results.
    • Fast play. Creativity typing into the Robin Hood theme. Ability to play single to 6 player
    • I love the whole concept.
    • Ability to play up to 6 players. Great for our gaming group!
    • The swapping mechanic.
    • That robin hood always steals from the highest target.
    • You never 100% control which card you will receive at time of card selection. Game allows for different social dynamics to make the game play differently.
    • The bluffing
    • being able to mess with other players
    • Varying random hands (Tuck, etc)
    • Trying to outwit the other players at the table and get the specific card you're looking for in the market
    • This is another game I would love to play with kids because it's easy enough to pick up but also allows for players to try to manipulate the game with what cards you throw into the center.
    • Mexhan (The rest of this form looked pretty broken, so I assume it's some bug?)
    • The additional player card
    • Great art, fun "yes" or "no" moments.
    • That the gameplay made you need to say "Curse You, Robin Hood!"
    • The balance of targets to points.
    • Loved the theme, loved the art, loved the idea
    • never knowing what was coming next
    • Trying to figure out who would wind up with which card

      Additional Comments
      • I liked it as is, but could love it with a little more player control though I\'m not sure how to implement it.
      • would buy this today if it were available

      Overall pretty good results! We'll see where it goes from here, but I'm pretty happy with letting this game be the fast, wild, rowdy tavern game it wants to be. :)

      Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 4, 2016

      Final Fantasy Tactics The War of The Lions Android PSP iso/cso (USA) Game


      Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions is a tactical role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix originally for the Sony PlayStation Portable[PSP]. The game is an updated version of Final Fantasy Tactics for the PlayStation video game console, which was originally released in 1997.

      The War of the Lions is the second announced game in Square Enix's "Ivalice Alliance" promotional campaign of video games set in the Ivalice fictional world. The first is Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (a sequel to Final Fantasy XII) and the third is Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift (both of which were released on Nintendo DS). Ivalice (during the setting of the game) has technology in line with the late medieval era of human history along with the typical magic and supernatural abilities found in most Final Fantasy games.

      ALSO SEE :- Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Vice City Stories Game PSP ISO Free Download (With Cheats) 

      Players control a mercenary named Ramza who finds himself embroiled in a civil war and an ancient demonic evil that has begun to take hold over the world. A noble by birth, he is forced to re-evaluate his opinion of commoners when his lowborn best friend starts a revolution against the ruling powers of Ivalice.


      The War of the Lions is a turn-based tactical roleplaying game. It can be compared with board games such as chess, with each piece corresponding to a party member in Ramza's current roster of fighters. Each fighter may move about the grid-like board in accordance with their move allotment as well as attack enemy fighters or activate more complex abilities. The terrain of each map dictates the range and mobility of the warriors. Ramza's soldiers can each equip a Job in the Final Fantasy tradition, from standard swordsmen and archers to magic specialists to even more exotic positions, like the dragoon and dancer. Fulfilling actions during a battle grants experience and job points to each character, the latter of which can be used to purchase new abilities. There are 22 Jobs available in The War of the Lions. Once a character has learned a skill from a Job, they have permanent access to it, although only one primary group of skills is available at a time and is Job-dependent. Many abilities, such as those related to movement or being struck by an enemy, can still be equipped if the character later changes Jobs.The game also features permadeath — if a character is incapacitated from excessive damage and is not healed within several turns, they are lost for good


      • Install PPSSPP APK
      • Then Download Final Fantasy Tactics The War of the Lions psp iso Rom.
      • Open PPSSPP and Search Final Fantasy Tactics The War of the Lions psp iso Rom and select and Play.

      Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 4, 2016

      Game Designers of North Carolina at UnPub!

      Come to UnPub in Baltimore this weekend, where you can find me and a bunch of other game designers demoing our latest creations. Details are at the UnPub site. I'm at table 3G, right by the feedback area.

      I'll be bringing a lot of prototypes in various states of development, but the big headlines are Koi Pond Second Edition and Curse You, Robin Hood!

      Hope to see you there!

      Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 4, 2016

      Card at Work: 9 - Making a 3x3 Card Sheet

      Howdy! Looks like I forgot to post the latest episodes of Card at Work to the ol' blog here. Sorry about that! For new folks, Card at Work is my video series covering the basics of designing cards for tabletop games.

      I figured, what could be more appropriate for Episode 9 than to talk about making 3x3 card sheets? :) Check it out at the video above.

      The previous episode covered variable front-and-back card designs.

      Thanks for watching! I hope you find these videos useful. Support more videos at my Patreon!

      Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 4, 2016

      Ben 10 Protector of Earth Android PSP iso+Cso Free Download (Gameplay)

      ben 10 protector of earth android apk free download

      Ben 10: Protector of Earth is a video game based on the American animated television series Ben 10. This is the first Ben 10 game and it was released for PSP, PS2, the Nintendo DS and the Nintendo Wii in October–November 2007.

      At the start of the game, a mosquito-like drone extracts much of the DNA from the Omnitrix, leaving only Four Arms and Heatblast on the watch. Ben finds that the stolen DNA is being used to energize and power various robots in the form of Omnitrix Crystals, and in destroying these robots he regains some of his alien forms.

      ALSO SEE :- Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Vice City Stories Game PSP ISO Free Download (With Cheats) 

      Ben later finds Vilgax's robot drones and the Forever Knights fighting. Enoch is building a mech using technology from Area 51 in an attempt to stop Vilgax; and though he is also trying to save the world, he isn't willing to let the Tennysons help. By defeating Enoch's mech, Ben acquires another Omnitrix crystal, unlocking XLR8 by defeating a Vilgax mech and after defeating Enoch's mech, Cannonbolt.

      In San Francisco, Ben learns that Kevin 11 escaped from the Null Void and brought some plant creatures along. Kevin 11 kidnaps Max and escapes to the crater lake, where Ben defeats him. Kevin 11 is then drawn in the Null Void again. Ben tracks down and defeats the mother plant in Seattle. He gets another crystal and unlocks Wildvine.


      • Tara Strong as Ben Tennyson
      • Megan Smith as Gwen Tennyson
      • Paul Eiding as Max Tennyson
      • Richard McGonagle as Four Arms
      • Jim Ward as XLR8, Wildvine
      • Fred Tatasciore as Cannonbolt, Forever Knight
      • Steve Blum as Heatblast, Zs'Skayr, Vilgax
      • Dwight Schultz as Dr. Animo, Radio Announcer
      • Richard Doyle as Enoch, Fangface
      • Charlie Schlatter as Kevin 11
      • Nicholas Guest as Clancy
      • Dee Bradley Baker as Sixsix
      • Khary Payton as Hex
      • Dave Wittenberg as Upchuck
      • Michael Dorn as Dr. Viktor
      • John DiMaggio as Vulkanus


      HOW TO PLAY 

      • Install PPSSPP APK
      • Then Download Ben 10 Protector of Earth psp iso Rom.
      • Open PPSSPP and Search Ben 10 Protector of Earth psp iso Rom and select and Play.