Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 6, 2017


Those who follow me on Facebook or Twitter will know that this past month has been dedicated to reader requests. I have an ever-growing list of requests, of which many have sadly not been so successful in getting them to work. If you haven't seen your suggested game in the last month, keep reading after the jump to hear if it was one of my failed attempts. There's also the usual site news and a couple of game updates in there too!

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Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 6, 2017


There was a great mini-resurgence of classic noir in the mid-90s. While Devil in a Blue Dress and L.A. Confidential hit out cinema screens, the computer monitor saw a couple of gems come to light (or dark as the case may be). I've already covered Noir: A Shadowy Thriller from 1996, but a year earlier The Dame was Loaded unearthed from the underrated Australian developer Beam Software.

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Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 6, 2017


Eastern Mind: The Lost Souls of Tong Nou, a Japanese adventure that came to the west in 1995, was developed almost entirely by one man - Osamu Satu. If you're unaware, he's the man behind the trippy PlayStation game LSD: Dream Simulator. Consider that a warning - things are about to get weird...

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Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 6, 2017


SEGA are the king of the arcade, and they were on a high in the golden era of the 90s. Virtua Cop (or Virtua Squad in some territories) was their magnum opus for the on-rails light-gun shooter. Arguably the best home conversion at the time was not on the SEGA Saturn - their own console hardware - but the impressive 1997 PC ports.

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Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 6, 2017

Hands & Feet

If you managed to discover a newly drilled hole on one of the toilets dividers by Aziz, you might be able to obtain an inventory item in an interesting alternative way. If you're more forward, you can change Aziz's mood to alter later events in the game's story and puzzles.

Should you be anonymous? Or should you cancel the whole thing? What if Aziz doesn't create that hole, could you drill one yourself? Those are all options available with the non-linearity behavior of Tardigrades.


Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 6, 2017


What would you do is your explorer father disappeared on an arctic expedition 30 years ago? Well, if you're the nameless hero of Soap Bubble Productions' 1998 adventure game Morpheus, a content and normal life is not an option. Time for a life-threatening adventure!

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Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 6, 2017


After all the events that's been happening in my little country known as the United Kingdom (in you're unaware there's been a lot of terrorism and politics), it sure would be nice to have a holiday. A quick look at my bank balance would suggest that Sunflower's 1996 management sim, Holiday Island, is my best bet at having one.

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Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 6, 2017

A Dark Tunnel

One of my favorite rooms in adventure games is the metal tunnel from the garbage ship in Space Quest 3. Being claustrophobic, I had to overcome my fear and stay as much as possible inside the tunnel to admire the simplicity of this beautiful background. Blacking out the outside surroundings of the tunnel is a usual technique used in art generally as seen in some other games or even comic books. But in this case it adds more mystery specially that the palette changes drastically from the previous rooms in the game. All the previous rooms had blue backgrounds with little red components. The percentage of blue pixels drawn in the tunnel is much less than the red pixels used in the blue backgrounds throughout the game.

On first entry, the player is forced to think quickly since Roger is already walking towards the darker center then the other side of the tunnel. Note that the player's mind is already setup from the background music and perhaps have seen the giant rats too. So one would definitely smash the space-bar on the keyboard to activate the text input box and pause the game.

An interesting part is Roger's shadow near the exits. The 1 pixel high walk-able area limits the walking animations used to sideways only. Perhaps this is used to minimize the number of sprites needed for the shadow animation.

Another important aspect of the room is the use of roundness. Roger seems a little sinking in the tunnel which in my opinion is a brilliant simple use of foreground. After walking for a little more and the shadow disappears due to darkness, the action begins. You can interact with the dangling wires, walk more and get one of the biggest shocking surprising moments I ever felt in an adventure game as a child. Boom! A giant rat falls from above and fights Roger. Should I type something? Should I move? What do I do? The fight doesn't last for long. You don't die but you lose a couple of inventory items as if the whole fight intends to give you an idea of what kind of smart game you are dealing with.

Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 6, 2017

Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction Android PSP iso+Cso [USA] Gameplay


Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction is a video game that involves Ben traveling to iconic real-world locations in search of the parts to an ancient Galvan artifact called the Potis Altiare to save the Earth from total destruction by an evil To'kustar.


Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction is the new game that introduces the new alien heroes: Water Hazard, Armodrillo, AmpFibian, Terraspin and NRG from the Ben 10: Ultimate Alien television series, allowing players to tunnel or beat through evil alien enemies, unleash water blasts, emit radiation beams, shoot electricity bolts and fire, wind attacks, and more, with a unique experience system which lets them upgrade alien attributes and abilities. The game also provides all-new game enhancements such as Quick Switch, which allows players to switch alien forms faster than ever, and Quick Time Events which creates a cinematic experience that guides players through fierce boss battles and challenging puzzle elements. Players will control Ben and up to 16 alien heroes including Ultimate Big Chill, Ultimate Spidermonkey, Ultimate Echo Echo, Ultimate Swampfire, Ultimate Humungousaur, Four Arms (PS3) and Rath (Xbox 360).

Ben-10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction Characters 

Playable Characters

  • Ben Tennyson (all levels when not in alien form except final battle boss)
  • Albedo (DS skin)

Playable Aliens
  • AmpFibian (first videogame appearance)
  • Armodrillo (first videogame appearance)
  • Big Chill
  • Echo Echo
  • Humungousaur
  • NRG (first videogame appearance)
  • Swampfire
  • Spidermonkey
  • Terraspin (first videogame appearance)
  • Water Hazard (first videogame appearance)
  • Way Big (Level 8 only. In DS Level 7) (first videogame appearance)


How to Play

  • Download PPSSPP.apk
  • Play and enjoy the game.